Cumberland County Maine
File #: REV 25-02    Version: 1
Type: Workshop Document Status: Recieved
File created: 1/29/2025 In control: Commissioner Workshop
On agenda: 2/3/2025 Final action:
Title: Discussion of Agreement with Oxford County to Provide Backup Dispatch Services
Attachments: 1. PP - Oxford County Dispatch Back-Up, 2. Oxford County MOU for Dispatch Back Up 1.2025

Title For Agenda Item:


Discussion of Agreement with Oxford County to Provide Backup Dispatch Services





Cumberland County Regional Communication Center has the Westbrook Communications Center as their back-up in case there are times our Center goes down or needs to be evacuated.  Oxford County has reached out to Cumberland County inquiring whether Cumberland County Regional Dispatch would be willing to serve as their back-up.


The scope of the agreement is that CCRCC will serve as back-up during times of evacuation of the Oxford Communications Center or if there are issues with staffing their Center.  If the Oxford Center is evacuated, Oxford staff would make their way to the CCRCC to handle their calls.  If the center falls short on staffing, CCRCC would cover the calls for a short period of time.


At their expense, Oxford County will be having RCM Radio Communications install their radio system in the CCRCC dispatch consoles.  The Oxford system will not be intertwined into the CCRCC system, they will be independent from each other.


Effective Date if Applicable:  Upon execution of MOU with Oxford.