Agenda Item Request:
Acceptance of the AKC Reunite Grant for the amount of $2,250 and approval of the allocation of $750 from our budget to purchase the drug detection Labrador Retriever.
Background and Purpose of Request:
Requestor: Courtney George, Sheriff’s Office
We are pleased to announce that the Cumberland County Jail has been awarded the AKC Reunite Grant in the amount of $2,250, which will significantly contribute to the establishment of our K9 program. This canine will be primarily used for drug searches within the jail as well as surrounding property, significantly enhancing our ability to detect and prevent the smuggling of contraband. This initiative is critical to maintaining the safety and security of both inmates and staff, as well as addressing the broader public health crisis linked to opioid abuse.
Funding Amount and Source:
AKC Reunite Grant in the amount of $2,250. The total cost for acquiring a drug detection Labrador is $3,000. Of this total, $750 has already been allocated within our current budget, and when combined with the grant funds, will fully cover the purchase of the dog. Additionally, we have a fully outfitted K9 vehicle (used) ready for deployment, which will help to reduce some of the initial expenditures typically associated with initiating such a program.
Effective Date if Applicable:
Pending approval of the job description and selection of a qualified handler, we anticipate the effective date of this program could be as early as November 2024. This timeline will allow us to have the necessary personnel and equipment in place to begin operations promptly.