Agenda Item Request:
Authorization for the County Manager to Submit a Proposal to the University of Minnesota’s Mobility, Access, and Transportation Insecurity program (MATI) Request for Proposals.
Background and Purpose of Request:
Requestor: Liz Blackwell-Moore, Public Health Department
The University of Minnesota’s Center for Transportation Studies recently released a Request for Proposals for the Mobility, Access, and Transportation Insecurity program (MATI) with funding from the Federal Transit Administration. The purpose of the program is to support the planning and development of demonstration projects that can help address issues of transportation insecurity. This funding aligns very well with the Cumberland County Public Health Department’s goal to “Improve Transportation Access,” prioritized in the 2022-2025 Community Health Improvement Plan for Cumberland County.
Since 2022, the Department has been partnering with the Moving Maine Network, the City of Portland Resettlement Program, and other stakeholders to improve transportation access for very low-income families and individuals. The Cumberland County Public Health Department is working on a proposal for Phase 1 funding of $150,000 to build on this work through a 9-12-month planning process for a mobility management demonstration project. Selection for Phase 1 means you are eligible for Phase 2 implementation funding up to $700,000 over 24 months. No matching funds are required and no additional county funding will be needed to complete the requirements of the grant. The purpose of this Position Paper is to inform the Commissioners of the plan to apply for the MATI funding and receive authorization to submit.
Funding Amount and Source:
Phase 1 funding of $150,000, Phase 2 funding up to $700,000, no matching funds are required.
Effective Date if Applicable: 4/1/2024