Title For Agenda Item:
Authorization for the County Manager to award bid Lake Region Homeless Services Study and enter into a contract between Cumberland County and Levin Planning Strategies for the Planning and Consulting services in the amount of $115,000.00.
Recommended Action:
Authorization for the County Manager to award bid Lake Region Homeless Services Study and enter into a contract between Cumberland County and Levin Planning Strategies for the Planning and Consulting services in the amount of $115,000.00.
Background and Purpose of Request:
In the Spring of 2022, Cumberland County partnered with The Tedford Housing to examine the need for a homeless services in the Lakes Region communities of Baldwin, Casco, Naples, Raymond, Sebago plus Standish, Windham, Bridgton, and Gray.
Tedford House released a Request for Proposals in January 2023 and amended in February 2023. Tedford House received one qualified bid from Levine Planning Strategies. Since the time of the bid, it has been decided that Cumberland County will take the lead role in awarding and administering this bid while Tedford House will advise the County and offer limited assistance to the winning bidder.
After discussions with the winning bidder, Levine Planning Strategies. The County would like to propose an amended scope of work with an updated budget of $115,000. The purpose of the amendment is to expand the study to include a more comprehensive approach to examining the need for homeless support services in the greater Lakes Region.
Staff Contact: Sandra Warren
Presentation: [No]
Attachments include: Proposal form Levin Planning Strategies & Amended Scope of Work
Fiscal Impact and Source:
$115,000.00 ARPA
Effective Date if Applicable:
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