Agenda Item Request:
Informational Report-No Action - United Way Investment Report 2023-2024
Background and Purpose of Request:
Annually the County Commissioners give the United Way (Thrive2027) $100,000.00. This was from change a number of years ago, which consolidated numerous grant allocations into a single allocation to the United Way. The United Way process of giving has a greater accountability and data tracking, which allows the County to have a better understanding on how the funding is being allocated and spent. Each year the United Way provides us an Investment Report showing the Goals that we funded and how the funding was used to benefit the region.
Staff is providing the report to the Commissioners for their review and understanding. At this time there is no verbal report planned.
Funding Amount and Source: $100,000.00 General Fund Allocation Annually
Attachments: United Way Investment Report
Presentation: No